Philosophy & Expertise



Welcome to Bliss Keys™, where deep expertise and unwavering dedication form the foundation of our transformative approach. Here, I share the specialized training and certifications that empower me to guide you through profound energy and mindset transformations. These qualifications are not just credentials; they are tools that unlock extraordinary potential within you.


Our Philosophy

At Bliss Keys™, we believe true fulfillment comes from unleashing your unique purpose—the one thing only you can do. By aligning with this purpose, you create a deep sense of fulfillment that satisfies your soul and leaves a lasting legacy. We believe that each individual living their soul's purpose is a vital piece of the puzzle for a wholesome world. To play your part in this puzzle, you must follow your bliss and live your soul's purpose.

This marks a departure from the belief that martyrdom or conforming to the status quo's demands is required to reach the promised land. On the contrary, we believe that by finding and following your bliss, you can serve in the greatest and most impactful way.


Core Principles

Our philosophy is built on three core principles, like a three-legged stool:

  1. Heal Issues at the Core: Psychological, emotional, and physical issues often have a spiritual misalignment at their core. By helping you connect with your source and reestablish a healthy connection with your higher self and source, you gain access to your inner healer and creative genius. Once you have healed enough and cleared your inner slate from trauma, your soul's calling will become apparent to you.

  2. Rewire Your Unconscious Mind: Align your unconscious mind with your soul's mission. By rewiring your mind, you can remove limiting beliefs and patterns that hold you back, allowing you to live a life of purpose and authenticity.

  3. Deliberate Co-Creation: Become a master of your mind and the spiritual universal laws so you can flow with them, regardless of what life throws at you. This principle empowers you to be in harmony with the universe, enabling you to co-create your reality deliberately and effectively.

Professional Credentials and Methodology

The Bliss Keys™ Method synthesizes my life's work and spiritual journey, combining my ability to sense misalignments with a robust framework of certified skills. Each certification refines these innate gifts, making them accessible to help you find your path to authenticity and fulfillment.

  • Accredited Journey™ Practitioner
  • Licensed Spiritual Health Coach
  • Certified Dream Builder Life Coach
  • PhotoReading & MindMapping Whole Mind System
  • ‘Kawa Ariki The Goddess Returns’ Maori Bodywork
  • BA in Film Directing, University of Melbourne Australia

Embodied Change for Leaders

Leaders face unique challenges that require strategic insight, emotional intelligence, and holistic growth. My diverse skill set helps leaders navigate complexities through:

  • Intuitive Alignment: Identifying and addressing soul misalignments to foster authentic self and holistic leadership.
  • Strategic Insight: Applying holistic decision-making aligned with core values and purpose.
  • Emotional Resilience: Transforming personal challenges into growth opportunities, enhancing empathetic and integral leadership.
  • Collective Responsibility: Encouraging environments that promote collective healing and transformation.


What Our Clients Are Saying

David B. Baron, M.D., FAAFP: “Over my nearly thirty years as a practicing family medicine physician, I have encountered just a few very rare individuals, professional colleagues whom I consider to be true healers. Francisca Bronwyn is one of them. She is exceptionally well-trained, skilled, experienced, gentle, empathetic and patient (but persistent) in guiding us from fear to freedom, from self-reproach to self-love, from darkness into light. I speak not only from my professional perspective but as an immensely grateful client, for whom Francisca provided exactly the kind of ruthless compassion that can make miracles happen. Her Bliss Keys™ methodology is an approachable, usable and undeniably effective step-by-step program that leads members and clients ever closer to and able to hear more clearly the quiet inner voice of one’s highest self; beyond ego, beyond circumstances, beyond doubt or preconceived limitations. If you are seeking a path to greater happiness and contentment, and true healing of past or current wounds, Francisca will lovingly lead you there.” 

Inspired to Transform?

If our philosophy and these stories of transformation resonate with you, and you feel called to pursue true alignment and purposeful fulfillment, reach out now to begin your transformative journey with us.

Start Your Journey Today